The purpose of Brocolli
April 10, 2020
I thought about starting a blog for a few months, but with this global pandemic we’re all going through, now felt like the perfect moment to do get started.
The point of this whole project is mainly about self improvement, and there are several reasons why I believe that this will be beneficial for me in the long run.
Writing it down
I’m planning on using this blog as a way to write down my thoughts/ideas/learning. Writing things down is hugely beneficial because phrasing things forces you to clarity them. Your reflections start to lose sense the moment you actually have to write them down. Therefore, expressing things into words is a very good exercise to get your ideas clear.
Front-end skills
This blog/website is the perfect way to play with interesting new technologies. I used the gatsby-starter-blog starter as a base for this website, and I’ll get to learn a lot of cool stuff like Gatsby, graphql, MDX. The first thing I did what implementing a simple dark/light theme toggle (click at the little moon/sun at the bottom of the page to try it!).
Learning in public
There are a lot of things I want to learn. I found the best way for me to learn something was to write it in my own words. The cool thing is that I can share what I learned with a new perspective that might help somebody. The subjects should be pretty random, you might find one article explaining how to repel moles, one detailing the process of sorting an array in O(n log(n)), and one other about JavaScript ES6 array function syntax.
You can learn more about the benefits of teaching to learn in this article I wrote about the Feynman Technique.
Other reasons
- Improve my writing and english skills.
- Keep myself busy during this fucking quarantine.
Peace amigos ✌️